╨╧рб▒с>■    ■                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ▄еhcр eА╖ ю╖ььььььь  CYX▒=ьььььч'I$┬ььььNAATS HEADQUARTERS EMAIL UPDATE Volume 2, #37 July 5, 2002 We will know the results of the ADA-1 meeting on the pay rules by the first part of next week. WeТll take the necessary actions depending on the answer. The understanding is that the pay rules must be completed by July 15 in order for the FMCS hearing to proceed. Earlier this week I met with ABA-1 Chris Bertram, ABU-100 Ron Page, ABA-2 John Hennigan and ALR Ц1 Ray Thoman regarding A76. They reiterated that weТre in the feasibility part of the process and that no other decision has been made. They assured me that they would keep the AdministratorТs pledge to work with us through all of the process and they offered to allow a NAATS participant for the feasibility work group thatТs meeting with the contractor Grant Thornton. FAA management also offered to have a Grant Thornton brief the BOD at our meeting later this month. I agreed and weТre scheduling them for what promises to be an extremely busy and important meeting. I met with PASS President Mike Fanfalone and we agreed to jointly address our outsourcing issues with congress. We also agreed to work on a joint press release; IТve asked PRT Chair John Dibble to contact his PASS counterpart to begin this process. IТve talked with AFSCME and they are interested in jointly addressing mutual issues of concern. IТll talk with NATCA President John Carr Monday regarding the same. Last year a grievance was sustained regarding misinterpretation of DOT Order 3910.1C, Drug and Alcohol-Free Departmental Workplace. Specifically the Agency applied on-duty alcohol test results to an employee who was off-duty. Bottom line is they erroneously put an employee on a last chance agreement that later had to be rescinded. We have been in contact with Labor Relations to attempt to find bargaining unit members who are similarly affected. If you feel this applies to you please contact your Regional Director with the specifics of your case. The problem with my email address seems to be resolved. Apparently the website links were the culprits and IТve had all of them removed. Please note Ц the only way to reach me on email is to use the naatspres@aol.com address, no other links will work. Wally Pike бд╨/ер=жзиайак !/0=) 0 ] e u Ж ╖ ╤ ¤°Ўєєюьu PVБ^bUБVБ]UБ]cc  !/0=>FGцчДЕн о к л ╢ ╖ ■■№∙ўїїїїїїїїїїїїї∙їK@ё Normala c @ Heading 1UБ"A@Є б"Default Paragraph Font>@ЄTitle^c "J@"SubtitleUБ]c■Oв Hyperlink^b╖╖     ╤ ╖  @CРTimes New Roman РSymbol "РArial1РCourier New"АЁ╨hй g&Y+gжU+gж ЮB/ГЁ=NAATS HEADQUARTERS EMAIL UPDATENAATSNAATS■   ¤    ■   ■                               ■                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Root Entry         └Fч'I$┬ АWordDocument    юCompObj            jSummaryInformation(        ╨■    ■    ■                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ■       └FMicrosoft Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.6Ї9▓q■  рЕЯЄ∙OhлС+'│┘0аШа╚╘фЁ№  ( P \ h tАИРШф NAATS HEADQUARTERS EMAIL UPDATENAATSnNormalАNAATS10Microsoft Word for Windows 95RmDocumentSummaryInformation8             р                                    ■       └FMicrosoft Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.8Ї9▓qxфNAATS2  NAATS HEADQUARTERS EMAIL UPDATE@4Е@ц▀TH$┬@╞>╪.!┬@■ьуH$┬B/■  ╒═╒Ь.УЧ+,∙о0░@HX` hp xфNAATS2  NAATS HEADQUARTERS EMAIL UPDATE