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Conclusion: Agree in concept, perhaps training the Facreps would be a better option; matter will be addressed in MOU. A76 letter on union rights and negotiated agreements. Conclusion: Letter delivered to NAATS, will be posted on our website. Discussion of A76 MOU, Conclusion: NAATS Chief Negotiator Bill Dolan will meet with Agency representative within next few weeks to finalize. TAUТs, will the FAA agree to implement if ratified by NAATS membership, Conclusion: ATS must check with new Administrator first but no problem has been noted in implementation by ATS or ALR. Is there common agreement on the FMCS decision and can we work toward an agreement on it. Conclusion: General agreement that dollar for dollar cost offsets arenТt required by legislation but are OMB/FAA preference, retroactivity must be addressed; comparability was not fully endorsed by FMCS. We will meet again Thoman in the next few weeks to put specifics into possible agreement. IТll now have the discussion with Don YoungТs staff next Tuesday to see their feelings and level of commitment on the comparability issue. ItТs extremely busy now with congressional meetings and this will continue for the foreseeable future. This week I talked with Cramer, Solis, Obey, Hayes (staffer), Cummings, Pascrell (staffer), Sabo and Sanchez on the A76 issue. Next week itТs Young, Brown, Lipinski, Pascrell, Velazquez, Oberstar, Lampson, Cramer and Clinton so far. Bottom line of these meetings is that the congressional leadership is the key again. For us the House is key, these representatives are Young (AK), Oberstar (MN), Lipinski (IL), Mica (FL), Young (FL), Obey (WI), Rogers (KY) and Sabo (MN). If youТre a constituent of these representatives please make a special effort to contact them. WeТre receiving several pledges of support and there are indications that the FAA is starting to feel the pressure of their ill-considered decision to conduct this study in the first place. Now is the time to step up our pressure on all fronts. WeТll keep working it here, and by now you should have received A76 Representative Kate BreenТs correspondence regarding our grassroots effort. Please contact your congressional representatives as soon as possible. WeТve been published in Avweb, Federal Employees News Digest and the Federal Times so far. IТm giving weekly updates to Avweb and IТm scheduled to have a commentary published in next weekТs Federal Times. WeТre also talking with the Washington Post, New York Times and USA Today. Congratulations to CE Regional Director Mike Terry and Nancy Batye for their arbitration victory. The case was a removal and resulted in a clear win for grievant and NAATS. A copy will be posted on our website. Wally Pike Following is an OASIS Update from National Representative Jeff Barnes. 09/17/02 - I have sent the questionairre we developed to ATP for their comments and for them to send to the regions and facilities that have had OASIS Console Site Surveys or more. The question is simple. Are you satisfied with the placement of the equipment in your consoles (as installed or planned, depending on how far you are in the process)? If yes, cool. If no, then we want to know what problem(s) you have, how many and what type of consoles they affect, and why it's a problem(s) for you. There is a signature block on the form for ATM and Facrep so we'll know that everyone had input. These will come back to Air Traffic at headquarters who will send them over to Requirements (where I do most of my work) who will identify the requirements to address the problems. They will send the requirements to the Program Office who will determine cost and a schedule to implement the fixes. Isn't bureaucracy grand? Anyway, this will follow the proper procedure so no one will be able to use that as a roadblock anymore. I will stay on top of this so that it will get to you as quickly as it can work through the chain. For those of you who have not been site surveyed yet this should no longer be a factor. I'll beat on the dead horse one more time (I've become somewhat of an expert at that on this program)... In accordance with the NAATS/FAA MOU on OASIS consoles and Human Factors Team decisions there are only two requirements for equipment placement in the OASIS consoles at this time. 1) In the standard preflight console equipment can only be placed to the left of the monitors (This is a no brainer since there is no console to the right of the monitors in this type of console). 2) In the standard inflight console Litton frequency switches can only be placed to the right of the monitors. This is because of the physical dimension of the Litton panels. They are too deep to go to the left. That's it. No other requirements for equipment placement. If someone tells you otherwise tell them they're wrong, show them the MOU, and give me a call immediately. Remember...equipment placement is a decision to be made at the local level! As I've reported before, OASIS is facing a money crunch for the next fiscal year. We were shorted five million dollars and there was no significant effort put out to get it back as far as I could see. Doesn't mean it didn't happen, just that I certainly wasn't in the loop on any such effort. Anyway, what that means is that the equipment moving that needs to be done may take a while to complete due to money. We won't know anything for sure till we get the surveys back and are able to analyze what needs to be done. I'm sure that safety issues such as moving the Denro frequency selectors from the right side to the left side will be given our highest priority. The moves that are not safety related will come after, but again it could take some time. I am here to make sure it happens, but I can't promise it'll get done tomorrow. Only that I will do everything in my power to get it done as soon as it can be. When the new fiscal year gets here we are going to start coming to facilities that haven't seen it yet to demo OASIS. The Human Factors Team has two laptops that can hook into SEA or AND remotely so we can use one of them and a projector to give demonstrations. The initial plan is for a member of the Human Factors Team to hit two AFSS's per month to demo the system. We have not begun to work on a schedule yet, although I hope we can put together something soon, at least for this coming year. However, the Human Factors Team is extremely busy now working with Harris to identify the fixes and enhancements that will go into the next software drop after STL so I'm not sure when we will do the demo schedule. We're looking at some pretty neat stuff right now that I expect to see in that next software drop. Of course, due to the hard work of the Human Factors Team and the Harris engineers, EVERY drop has had neat new stuff in it. In addition to showing you OASIS, it's time to show it to the world. Dennis Detrow and Dave Hoover were at NBAA in Orlando demoing the system. We will also be at AOPA in Palm Springs and ATCA in Washington,DC coming up soon. An interesting bit of information came from NBAA...Uniformly, after seeing the system the question asked was "When do we get interactive briefings? I want to look at this stuff while you are briefing me on it." Jim Perkins and I will be making sure this is heard when we are discussing the integration of DUATS into OASIS. We are continuing to look at more events where we can demo OASIS to our customers. I expect us to be at Sun 'n Fun and Oshkosh next year, and several other events are being looked at. Feel free to send me any suggestions. And speaking of the next drop after STL...by the MOU it is supposed to be the tenth site, BUF. However, it may be moved back a couple spots to CXO. If this happens it will be to migrate the OASIS onto a new operating system...either Windows 2000 or .Net Server depending on how confident we and Harris are as to the stability and security of the .Net Server at that time. The reason we have to do this is because Microsoft will not be supporting Windows NT any more, which is not acceptable in the OASIS operating system. The operating system OASIS uses has to be supported so that problems will be resolved when created or discovered in OASIS due to the operating system. The timing on this could also necessitate some slip in the CXO installation. This is by no means a sure thing, and if it happens there will be no shuffling in the waterfall. It just means that CXO could be installed up to a few months late to ensure the system is fully tested before being released to our world. This should not impact the remainder of the scheduled installations. In current thinking there is enough room between CXO and the next installation (again due to the budget shortfall in FY2003) that no further impact will be inflicted on us because of the delay at CXO. I do not want to see a delay at any of our facilities. However, I am absolutely insistent, and this is supported by the test organization, that the OASIS be thoroughly tested on the new operating system to make sure nothing is broken by it (this is in addition to the testing of all the new fixes and enhancements we do prior to taking any new software drop to the field). I will keep you advised on this and will make sure to get the Human Factors Team decision regarding this out to you as soon as I can after it's been made. As always, feel free to call me or e-mail me any questions/news/rumors/suggestions you have. I'll give you whatever answers or support I can to see that the OASIS deployment to your facility goes as smoothly as I can make it. Also, and this is especially important. Facreps...if you are not being listened to or engaged in every bit of the process of OASIS and the consoles at your facility, let me know! At headquarters everyone understands that the Facreps have to have an equal voice in this. If your management is not engaging you let me know so we can get to work on fixing that immediately! And finally. As of right now we are finding that the integration of OASIS into the AFSSs goes smoothest when there is a single point of contact for the union and for management at each facility for OASIS issues. This can be the Facrep, or someone designated by the Facrep in the case of the union point of contact. This helps by letting the program know who they should be talking to. This should be someone who will become the local subject matter expert on OASIS at your facility as it goes through the installation process. I would recommend that this person be someone who will be part of your local training cadre also. This person will be given exposure to OASIS as soon as possible prior to it coming to your facility so that he or she will have a better understanding of what the needs are for the program, and will be able to effectively communicate the needs of the facility to the program. I think the setup at AND is ideal with the union and management empowering both the management and union points of contact to make decisions for the facility regarding OASIS. It would be nice to see that done everywhere, but it's hard to imagine that kind of progressive thinking in very many management offices. Regardless, this person will be treated by the program as a partner in this process. This is an opportunity to keep the membership informed on what is ahead for them as OASIS gets closer to deployment at your facility. The directors may wish to formalize this process. That will of course be their call. When a decision has been made I would like the name and contact information for the person so I can pass that to the program. We're already behind the power curve on this for some facilities, so I'd like to try to get this done soon so we don't slip any further. Fraternally, Jeff Barnes faaliaison@att.net 703-582-6616 (this is my cell phone. I travel so much I won't even bother listing my office phone) юбд╨/ер=жзиайакЕ╘ hx hx hx hx hx hx hx hx hx╖oз╖oз╖oз !/0Dў°9;▒ш.G╜~┌=>'3(3Ё4¤√∙ўЇЄ∙Є∙Є∙Є∙Є∙юьu]c]VБ]VБ]UБc !/0CDў°9:░▒чш./FG╜╛~┘┌НО, - ∙ ■■№№·°°°ЇЇЇ°╧╚┼┬╧╚┼┬╧╚┼┬╧╝║°°°°°°╨   ╨$ ╨Ш■ 4 hx╖╨!∙ · шщЇї=>?@(3■■■■■√■■■■■■ K@ё Normala c$@$ Heading 1UБ]"A@Є б"Default Paragraph Font>@ЄTitle^c "J@"SubtitleUБ]c,■O, Body Text 2 h╨VБ](B@"( Body Text ╨VБ](04    Ё4∙ (3 @SРTimes New Roman РSymbol "РArial1РCourier NewРWingdings"АЁ╨hhТif2гiж ъў╡'ГTЁ=NAATS HEADQUARTERS EMAIL UPDATENAATSNAATS ■   ¤   $■   ,■                               ■                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Root Entry         └F`╖Б┬┼`┬#@WordDocument    D>CompObj            jSummaryInformation(        ╝■   ■    ■                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ■       └FMicrosoft Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.6Ї9▓q■  рЕЯЄ∙OhлС+'│┘0МРШ└╠▄шЇ   H T `lt|Дф NAATS HEADQUARTERS EMAIL UPDATEi.NAATSn@.J.NormalNAATS12Microsoft Word for Windows 95t @№}░DocumentSummaryInformation8             р                                    ■       └FMicrosoft Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.8Ї9▓qxфNAATST  NAATS HEADQUARTERS EMAIL UPDATE @╕Gт_┬@, ┬┼`┬ў╡'■  ╒═╒Ь.УЧ+,∙о0░@HX` hp xфNAATST  NAATS HEADQUARTERS EMAIL UPDATE