ࡱ> KTL Oh+'0 0< X d p |MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENTEMOWilliam J. DolanEEMillillNormal Valued Gateway Customer7luMicrosoft Word 8.0o@J6@f_@/_@V_ADBF14} ՜.+,D՜.+,T px   Az; "  MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT Title 6> _PID_GUIDAN{77A17C80-C655-11D6-90A1-000795ADBF14}MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF AIR TRAFFIC SPECIALISTS AND THE FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION This agreement is made and entered into by the National Association of Air Traffic Specialists (NAATS or the Union) and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA or the Agency) collectively referred to as the Parties. The purpose of this agreement is to address issues concerning FAA Order 1600.69A and 1600.6D, also known as the FAA Facility Security Management Program (FSMP). The parties further acknowledge that this Agreement is entered into in the wake of the terrorist attacks at the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and other terrorist events that have occurred since that time. In light of these events, the parties agree to work collaboratively to resolve any disputes concerning the implementation of the above-referenced Orders. The parties agree that briefings shall be conducted at the facility level in accordance with FAA Order 1600.69A, Chapter 8, FAA Order 1600.6D and this MOU, Section 1. The Agency agrees to brief the Unions facility representative on the current security status of the facility including any deficiencies and/or waivers issued and the plan for corrective action to bring the facility into compliance with security directives. Section 2. The Agency agrees to provide the Union the opportunity to have a representative on any committee established to address local security issues at facilities to which Bargaining Unit Employees (BUEs) are assigned. Section 3. The Parties agree that a union representative may participate in the assessment and inspection of the facilities in an effort to provide an opportunity for the Union to present its security concerns. Section 4. The Agency agrees to provide a briefing of the results of facility assessments to the Unions facility representative. Section 5. The Agency agrees to provide the Union an opportunity to have one (1) representative to serve on the existing FAA Facility Security Risk Management (FSRM) Product Team (Product Team). The Product Team is a cross-functional and cross-organizational work group concerned with managing and setting policy for the implementation of physical security at FAA staffed facilities. The designated Union representative shall be afforded the opportunity to attend any meetings, site visits, or other team activities and participate in discussions about the implementation of physical security and present issues of concern for bargaining unit employees about security matters. The Product Team representative shall be on official time while performing these duties. The Agency agrees to provide travel and per diem for any travel necessary to perform these duties. Section 6. The Agency agrees to post signs designating employee only parking areas covering locally agreed upon parking spaces in order to mitigate the risks surrounding a facilitys inability to meet setback requirements. Section 7. Any security related parking issues not specifically covered by the FAA Orders referred to above and/or this MOU shall be negotiated locally upon request of the Union. Section 8. Any negotiations entered into at the local facility level shall be in addition to the rights and obligations agreed to by the parties pursuant to this Agreement and in accordance with FAA Orders 1600.69A and 1600.6D. This Agreement shall not impede the implementation of these Orders. To the extent that a facility level Memorandum of Understanding or any other agreement currently exists on the issues contained in this Agreement, those agreements shall be re-opened and re-negotiated locally for consistency with this Agreement. (Section 17 seems to conflict) Section 9. The Parties agree that employees shall visibly display their FAA identification badge or device (ID). Further, the parties agree that the badge should be placed somewhere between the bargaining unit employees shoulder and the waist area. Section 10. The Agency agrees to provide ID display devices which allow, at the employees option, the employee to clip the ID onto their clothing or a lanyard for wear around the neck which has an OSHA approved release mechanism. Section 11. In the event that a BUE temporarily misplaces or forgets his/her identification, the security officer at the facility, if required, will verify the BUEs employee status with his/her supervisor. The parties agree that the employee who has temporarily misplaced or forgotten his/her FAA identification may be required to provide some form of current identification with a photograph, preferably a drivers license, to a security officer who, upon verification, will not retain the form of identification. Upon confirmation of his/her employment status, the employee will then be provided a temporary badge or identification card. If the employment status of the individual seeking entry into the facility cannot be verified, his or her entrance into the facility shall be denied. Section 12. To the extent that the Agency determines an electronic card device or proximity card should be used to enter a controlled area, the Agency shall provide employees with cards for this purpose. The Agency shall assume all responsibility associated with the costs of said cards, including the cost of replacing permanently misplaced and/or stolen cards. Section 13. The Agency agrees that the primary purpose of the proximity cards or any other type of card used in an EICS (what does EICS stand for? Cant find it in the order), shall be to gain access to the facility and to ensure that security of the facility and/or other areas. The use of these cards and/or systems are not intended as timekeeping devices or systems to record arrivals and departures of employees for the purpose of tracking time and attendance. Should the Agency use data derived from these measure and devices as supporting evidence in the imposition of discipline, the employee who is alleged to have committed the offense shall have a right to a copy of the data. Any data derived from EICS shall not be used as the sole basis for initiating disciplinary action without first conducting an investigation into the alleged event. Section 14. The Agency agrees that the primary purpose of the closed circuit television (CCTV) cameras, Entry Control Video (ECV) and intrusion Detection system of Sensors (IDS) shall be for the remote visual assessment, surveillance of interior and exterior perimeter alarm points/zones, to gain access to the facility, as determined by the agency, and/or to prevent thefts and deter all criminal activity. These measures and devices are not intended to monitor BUEs in the normal course of business in works areas, break areas, or any other employee common areas. Furthermore, the use of CCTV, ECV, IDS and other such measures and devices are not intended as timekeeping devices to record arrivals and departures of employees for the purpose of tracking time and attendance. Should the Agency use data from CCTV, ECV, IDS or any other such devise as supporting evidence in the imposition of discipline, the employee who is alleged to have committed the offense shall have a right to a copy of the data. Any data derived from CCTV, ECV, IDS shall not be used as the sole basis for initiating disciplinary action without first conducting an investigation into the alleged event. Section 15. This agreement does not constitute a waiver by either party of any right guaranteed by law, rule, regulation or contract. Section 16. This Agreement may be re-opened by mutual agreement of the parties in accordance with the parties collective bargaining agreement and any other applicable laws, rules or regulations. Section 17. The Parties at the facility level may enter into written agreements or understandings on the individual issues contained in this MOU that do not conflict with this MOU. However, unless specifically authorized by the Parties at the National level, no such facility level agreement may increase or diminish the entitlements express contained in this MOU. To the extent that facility agreements currently exist on the issues continued in this MOU and that are in conflict with this MOU, those agreements be reopened and re-negotiated for consistency with this MOU. (Section 8 seems to conflict) For the Agency For the Union ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Elizabeth J. Head Bill Dolan _____________________________ Michael Doss ___________________________________ Chris Fay ____________________________ Date PAGE 4 PAGE 4 FAAO 1600.69A U-4, 1/15/02 3"3666.6888.8:::.:0JmHCJ5CJ $T\|}~  S T UVh$$T\|}~  S T UV~  ce !!!!^"_"$$$$$$$$$8%%%%%%%%%%%&&&+&3&4&6&Q&R&S&T&J~  ce !!!!^"_"$$$$$$$$$8%%%%%EICS . . 3359/23/02 EICS . . 1159/23/02 %%%%%%%&&)&*&+&6&Q&R&S&T& 3 3"3 66,6.6 88,8.8h&`#$3"3666.6888.80JmHCJ5CJ EICS . . 3359/23/02 EICS . . 3359/23/02  [0@0 Normal_HmH sH tH 0@0 Heading 1$@&CJ6@6 Heading 2$$@&a$CJ8@8 Heading 3 $$@&5CJ<A@< Default Paragraph Font, @, Footer  !&)@& Page Number6'@6 Comment ReferenceCJ,@", Comment Text,@2, Header  !.B@B. 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