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DAY ONE Sue Helzer, ATX-330, Head of Staffing Standards Branch and Arthur Furnia, ATX-330 distributed a briefing paper labeled Air Traffic Staffing Standards Program and AFSS Staffing Standards. Along with distributing these briefing papers they made presentations to explain them. The group brainstormed a list of facility functions: D=Defined C=Combined E=Eliminated PB=Pilot Weather Briefings (Standard, Abbreviated and Outlook) (PB) D FP=Flight Plans Filed D DVFR=Transponder Codes Issued to DVFR Aircraft C/FP & IAC IFP=International Flight Plan Filed D DAC=Domestic Aircraft Contacted D IAC=International Aircraft Contacted D SAR=Search and Rescue (S1) D P1=Single Item Briefing C/PB P2=Multi-leg Briefing C/PB LAA=Local Airport Advisory D TA=Traffic Advisories C/LAA WX OBS=Weather Observation Reporting (W1) D N1=NOTAM Issued (N1) D N2=NOTAM Issued C/N1 BCST=Broadcast (B1) D TRC=TIBS Recording Completed C/BCST H1=HIWAS C/BCST V1=VOLMET C/BCST TW=TWEB C/BCST SCI=SVFR Clearances Issued (SC) D ICI=IFR Clearances Issued (IC) D ADCUS=Customs Notification (A1) D TECS=Treasury Enforcement Computer System (Notification) (T1) D NAD=NADIN Messages Transmitted (M1) D B1=Service B Messages C/NAD PIREPS=Pilot Reports (UA) D OCC=Equipment Outages Reported to OCC E DAY TWO The next step to perform is the need to develop 1. Definitions Methodology-how it is collected Quality Control Accountability—Schema’s The workgroup decided that there were so many identifiers for a Controller to remember that we would try to combine and define as many identifiers as possible in one definition. For Example: NOTAM In defining N1 and N2 they were separated into N1 and defined as “All NOTAM D and all NOTAM L that are issued”. N2 was defined as all NOTAM D and all NOTAM L that were cancelled. The Methodology for this is, “Every employee completes the task and enters N1or N2, as applicable, on the command line”. The Quality Control is “Every employee enters N1 on the command line”. The Accountability is that “There will be periodic reviews of local activity reports”. This is the example that will be followed in developing the data on all subsequent identifiers. PB Definition: A Single Item Briefing, Multi-leg Briefing and all Pilot Weather Briefings as defined in FAA Order 7110.10, Chapter 3. This definition supercedes the Note contained in 7210.3R, Paragraph 16-4-1 Methodology: Every employee completes the task and enters PB. For each additional leg (departure and destination) make an additional PB entry on the command line. FP Definition: A Flight Plan Filed as defined in FAA Order 7210.3R, Paragraph 16-2-2. Methodology: As currently prescribed in FAA Order 7110.10,Chapter 6, Section 2. IFP Definition: An International Flight Plan Filed as defined in FAA Order 7210.3R, Paragraph 16-2-2. Methodology: As currently prescribed in FAA Order 7110.10,Chapter 6, Section 2. DAC Definition: A contact is a count taken for each flight in which air to ground communications is established and terminated. This will exclude the application in the FAA Order 7210.3R, Paragraph 16-2-3. Methodology: Every employee completes the task and enters on the command line the Aircraft Contacted including the type of flight category as currently prescribed in FAA Order 7110.10, Paragraph 4-2-5. IAC Definition: A contact is a count taken for each flight in which air to ground communications is established and terminated. This will exclude the application in the FAA Order 7210.3R, Paragraph 16-2-3. Methodology: Every employee completes the task and enters on the command line the Aircraft Contacted including the type of flight category as currently prescribed in FAA Order 7110.10, Paragraph 4-2-5. SAR Definition: The initiated SAR will already be counted in Model One Full Capacity. The reply to or request for information on SAR will be counted as an S1. Methodology: Every employee completes the task and enters S1 on the command line. LAA Definition: A Local Airport Advisory as defined in FAA Order 7210.3R, Paragraph 16-2-2. Methodology: As currently prescribed in FAA Order 7110.10, Paragraph 4-2-5. WX OBS Definition: This would consist of Actual Weather Observations and ASOS Augmentation. Methodology: Every employee completes the task and enters W1 on the command line N1 Definition: See Above. . BCST Definition: Any recording of the TIBS (TRC), HIWAS (HI), VOLMET (V1) and TWEB (TW). Methodology: Every employee completes the task and enters B1 on the command line. SCI Definition: A Special VFR Clearance Issued as defined in FAA Order 7110.10, Paragraph 4-5-1. Methodology: Every employee completes the task and enters SC on the command line. ICI Definition: An IFR Clearance Issued as defined in FAA Order 7110.10, Paragraph 4-3-7. Methodology: Every employee completes the task and enters IC on the command line. ADCUS Definition: Notification to the U.S. Customs Service as defined in FAA Order 7110.10, Paragraph 7-2-2. Methodology: Every employee completes the task and enters A1 on the command line. TECS Definition: The Treasury Enforcement Computer System is defined as the Customs and Air Defense notification for trans-border crossings. Methodology: Every employee completes the task and enters T1 on the command line. NAD Definition: Accident/Incident Messages, Operational Error Messages, Near Mid-Air Collision Messages, Pilot Deviation, Service B Movement Messages. Methodology: Every employee completes the task and enters M1 on the command line. PIREPS Definition: Pilot Reports as defined in FAA Order 7110.10, Paragraph 9-2. Methodology: Every employee completes the task and enters UA on the command line. DAY THREE The day began with a brief-out to Pam Foss and Tony Tisdale. Pam made a few remarks that she was surprised that we had 16 items that we would put up on the CATTS site. Her caution was that we should try and focus on what was so important that we wanted everyone who would go on the Web page to see about us. The warning was a good one in that she was trying to tell us “Don’t go down into the minutia level” to where we water down what the employees are doing for the federal government. There was a good give-and-take between the workgroup members and Pam and Tony.  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