ࡱ> %'$[  bjbj "jjl  $= ]B,,ARf E n"W0 ARS LIAISON REPORT 2-28-02 NOTAMS Informal meetings with ATP and other groups participating in the AFSS/FSS NOTAM solution have taken most of the time over the last two weeks. There is a new management representative to work exclusively with NOTAMS and her name is Freeda StJohn. She is on a one year detail to FAA Hq to deal with the NOTAM solution. So far, it seems like she is very supportive and coming from an AFSS she understands very well the problems that as an option we have been experiencing through the years and especially since 9-11. Milops server is connected to the CNS and is receiving data and the Milops staff is working on the distribution process. John Niediewski has done preliminary work on the software that we would need to get NOTAMS and on 3-18 I will be traveling to the Tech Center for a presentation on alternatives. On 3-4-02 we will have our first NOTAM weekly meeting for the AFSS/FSS effort and AUA has appointed Rudy Wadkins as their rep a lead of this group. From what I understand, he has been around for some time and at some point in time was part of the Oasis group. Have not heard much good about him, so we will see how things go. As long as he gets us what we need, I dont care what he thinks or if he is likeable or not. ERIDS No news. WAAS/LAAS at this time, we will be processing all site-specific NOTAMS for this program. More details as I get more information on the display and transmission of these NOTAMS. NEXCOM Next program review is scheduled for 3-6-02 &/   '  5\ %&        1h/ =!"#$% i8@8 NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH 0`0 Heading 1$@&CJ<A@< Default Paragraph Font%& 000000000000   #IK2:3pmunozcC:\Documents and Settings\pmunoz\Application Data\Microsoft\Word\AutoRecovery save of Document2.asdpmunoz=C:\Documents and Settings\pmunoz\My Documents\ARS 2-28-02.doc@0p@UnknownGz Times New Roman5Symbol3& z Arial"qh`"c&t"c& $202pmunozpmunozOh+'0d   , 8DLT\sspmunozmunmunNormalpmunoz1unMicrosoft Word 9.0@xA@p'X@h#՜.+,0 hp|  FAA 2  Title  !"#&Root Entry FE(1Table WordDocument"SummaryInformation(DocumentSummaryInformation8CompObjjObjectPoolEE  FMicrosoft Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q