ࡱ>   ܥhc e  CXs=@Ֆ[NAATS HEADQUARTERS EMAIL UPDATE Volume 2, #22 March 19, 2002 Nothing new on the pay impasse. The pay/work rules teams will meet again next week. Look for an update from Chief Negotiator Bill Dolan. The national meeting in LAS is fast approaching. Two items of note: We have reached agreement with the FAA regarding the unused Article 4 training time allocations from last October. That time can now be applied to calendar year 02. The BOD authorized the National Office to reimburse FacReps, or their designees, up to $200.00 for travel purposes to attend. Were continuing to meet with various congressional members and their staffs. This week its Rothman, Pascrell, Clinton, Johnson and Landrieu, with Nickels and Santorum possible. Our goal is to keep them updated on all of our issues. My business meeting with Administrator Garvey has been rescheduled to March 27. The Administrators meeting with the union presidents to discuss the ATO is still on for March 22. Last week I met with the members at CXO and FTW AFSSs. As always, I enjoyed the discussions and the chance to meet face-to-face with the membership. Facreps Dana Colquitt and Kirk Leander are obviously doing good jobs. My thanks to SW Regional Director Mark Jaffe and Regional Coordinator Dana Colquitt for inviting me. Please note that I am not currently on ccmail. Until logistical problems are resolved the only sure way to reach me via email is at naatspres@aol.com. Wally Pike /=hxhxxhxhxxhxhxx......... !0@ u]U]cUcU]cc  !/0?@78"#$  4hx.K@Normala c"@" Heading 1Uc"A@"Default Paragraph Font>@Title^c  @CTimes New Roman Symbol "Arial1Courier New"hדc&cF  =NAATS HEADQUARTERS EMAIL UPDATENAATSNAATS Root Entry F@Ֆ[ @WordDocumentCompObjjSummaryInformation(  FMicrosoft Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.69q Oh+'0   H T `lt| NAATS HEADQUARTERS EMAIL UPDATEGNAATSnGGNormalNAATS12Microsoft Word for Windows 95d@bDocumentSummaryInformation8   FMicrosoft Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89qxNAATSH   NAATS HEADQUARTERS EMAIL UPDATE@ꬲ@}[ ՜.+,0@HX` hp xNAATSH   NAATS HEADQUARTERS EMAIL UPDATE