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The management Chief Negotiator and I are waiting on confirmation of a meeting with FMCS Director Richard Barnes. This is a preliminary conference to discuss the upcoming hearing on our pay impasse. My guess is that the hearing itself will now be held sometime in May. IТm continuing to work the staffing issues with AT-1 Bill Peacock (who will be a speaker at our national meeting later this month). Our next meeting is April 11 and I plan to discuss that staffing standard, shortages and agency hiring procedures. You may hear about a hiring freeze in ATS. WeТve been advised that this freeze does not apply to us since operational personnel are excluded. IТll follow-up on this to avoid any misunderstandings. Latest on the ATO: on hold until the Administrator receives approval from OST to bring aboard an УactingФ Chief Operating Officer (COO). If that doesnТt happen then we canТt move forward until the permanent COO is hired, probably sometime after the end of the AdministratorТs term (August 5). Regardless of the pay impasse, staffing and equipment issues congressional relations and educating our representatives to our issues is an ongoing process. IТve discussed our issues with staffers from three offices (Bono, Clinton, Solis) this week and IТm scheduling personal meetings with those congressional representatives. I plan to meet with Don Young sometime during the next two weeks to keep him updated on our progress on the pay impasse. SO Regional Director Dave Hoover and I attended a membership meeting at PIE AFSS last week. As always, I appreciated the opportunity to discuss our issues and get feedback and suggestions. My thanks to Facrep Richard Anderson for his invitation and hospitality. Wally Pike The following is an OASIS Update from OASIS National Representative Jeff Barnes. 04/04/02 - This week I attended my first meeting of the group that will determine whether DUATS will be integrated into OASIS or will remain as it is today with vendors providing the service (Scott Malon, our ATP liaison, covered the kickoff meeting for me). Our position of course is that integration is not only desirable, but is essential for future enhancements to the service we provide to the pilots. Unfortunately right now we are pretty much alone in that opinion. AOPA does not want the integration. Their position is that competing vendors ensure continued upgrading of services to the pilots. An integrated DUATS does not have competition to drive development, and it would be solely under the control of the FAA, an organization with a history of not upgrading equipment once it has been deployed. This viewpoint is certainly understandable, but our OASIS MOU will put an agreement into place that would substantially mitigate the risk of stagnation in OASIS. First is that OASIS will always have its own separate budgetary line item in the FAA budget throughout its life cycle. It will never disappear into the noise of the general FAA budget to languish, forgotten because it's "just a Flight Service system." Second is that the FAA agrees that they will not reprogram any money from the OASIS budget without agreement from NAATS. This means that if some other program is overspending they can't move money over to it from OASIS without our cooperation. The MOU hasn't been signed yet, but it will be prior to AND AFSS beginning live operations on OASIS. However, these two items have already been agreed to by the Agency. When the MOU does get signed you will get copies in your facilities to read for yourself, and we will also provide more rationale for you. In actuality I see that this presents an opportunity for NAATS and AOPA to work together as we never have before. It will be in both our interests to see that Congress provides a continuing funding stream for improvements to OASIS through its life in Flight Service. Also, improvements to DUATS will generally mean improvements to the specialists also, so we all benefit. There is one other key benefit. That is the interactive briefing. We have all thought about being able to perform an interactive briefing with our customers at one time or another. It has been a goal since the days of Model 2. In order to develop a true interactive briefing DUATS will HAVE to be integrated with OASIS. That is the only way to ensure that pilot and specialist are looking at exactly the same thing and that the specialist will be able to control the briefing for both. I cannot foresee any way this could be accomplished with vendors due to different proprietary systems, software, and data presentations, and two or more vendors would be even worse. While this kind of interactivity is not going to be available to us immediately, without integration it will never be available, and I think this would be a disservice to the pilot, and backward thinking rather than planning for the future. It's our job to think beyond the present and accomodate possibility in our planning for the future. Stagnation in our job is our enemy. бд╨/ер=жзиайак !0Ж !¤°ЎЇu]UБ]cc !/0>?@klz{rs89_` ! 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