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We also reiterated that there has been zero support of the team with regard to workspace or equipment. This meeting was ended due to Jeff receiving a call for a meeting with the Administrator. We agreed to meet again the next day at 1pm. At the second meeting Scott did a very good job of both describing the accomplishments of the team to date and that it was all due to their aggressiveness and motivation. He also pointed out that there would be little cost saving from an early departure of the participants due to penalties for broken leases. In trying to salvage the intent of the group we brainstormed a little and the only two viable suggestions were to have two NAATS liaisons dedicated to this task or giving the duties of the group to the NAATS Weather Unit at the command center. Jeff has budgetary issues with the liaison idea due to which pot of money the liaisons must be funded out of. He would support the weather unit idea because it comes out of PC&B funds. The downside of this is that our overall national staffing would not be increased by this number. The slots would just be moved to the command center unit staffing. The upside is two more FG-13 positions in our bargaining unit. The positions would be bid. I doubt that the intent would be to pay moves but that has not been discussed at this point. We ended the meeting agreeing that the team will use their remaining time to develop the procedures necessary to accomplish the task, 2.) develop a training program for the Jeppesen Software used to draw TFRs and transmit to the field, and 3.) validate the plan for transmitting the TFR data to the field for their use. We also agreed that the individuals performing these duties would be the focal for NAATS sign off on NOTAM content and wording to insure the field has no problems understanding them, minimizing questions and the need for interpretations. They would also provide the answers to questions if they should arise. I am to keep in touch with Jeff Griffith on this issue and attempt to find a win-win resolution. I told him that I would brief the Board and Wally looking for feedback, guidance, and/or direction on how we wish to proceed. My recommendation is that we continue working toward either of these solutions to keep our presence in the NOTAM picture. They both have upsides and downsides, but either is a good solution in my view. Trying to keep the team intact with the original process it will be cancelled. The money just isnt there. Unbudgeted post 9/11 costs are sucking up money and there isnt much that I can see to be done unless Congress sends more $$$. I need your feedback ASAP. Bill   11303 Amherst Avenue, Suite 4 Wheaton, Maryland 20902 )/s 5OJQJjUmHnHu CJOJQJ CJOJQJOJQJ    $If LZ $If] $ LH,$If],a$$ L$If]a$jDTE4 ! $If  $If$ L$If]a$$$Ifl\|'YF32204 la )/|@dQ L0$If]0$ NN$If]^Na$$$Ifl4F|YF'0j    4 la/0>I^yff L0$If]0$ L$If]a$p$$Ifl40|$F(#04 la^_`lmnopqr|<fSS|fSS| L0$If]0$ L$If]a$$$Ifl4F|$F:0    4 la rsz{|>?u v r4______ L$If^k$$Ifl0$804 la. L$If L00]0^0 v k l \] L $If^  & F. L$If L$If^:,$  (]a$X$$IflW'$:#04 la. L$If^X$$IflW'$:#04 la.$  (]a$$a$ P/ =!"#$%nc k.֜ܬ?KPPNG  IHDRAZ6gAMAPLTEgvc pHYs=~TIDATxZr0 w-Rm& l7mh6P$*ԨSO?5*ԨSO?5*ԨSO?5 BQkf[J8RĊհ0:0l k<Qm8S:? 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