ࡱ > ܥh c e 8 a 8 l l l l l l l C X 1 0 l l l l l 껉# l l l l February 20, 2002 Ms. Jane Garvey FAA Administrator, AOA-1 800 Independence Ave., SW Washington, D.C. 20591 Dear Ms Garvey: As you are aware, the FAA security directive issued shortly after September 11 2001 prohibiting visitors at flight service stations, enroute centers, approach facilities and towers remains in effect. Our information is that individual facility managers may opt to allow visitors but senior FAA management discourages this. NAATS certainly agrees that Flight Service controllers are essential in providing air traffic control services and maintaining the national airspace system. This prohibition, however, effectively eliminates face-to-face or walk-in pilot weather briefings conducted by Flight Service Air Traffic Controllers. The safety of Americas air traffic controllers, and all FAA and federal employees, is of paramount concern to all of us. Unlike the centers and terminals, however, a key function of flight service requires us to provide some services in a face-to-face forum. The nation has not closed its doors to the IRS, Postal Services or many other federal offices; the FAA should not lock pilots out of the nations Flight Service Stations. A mutual dependency and respect has long been established between our controllers and the aviation public we serve. Additional security is welcome and necessary at our flight service stations but denying essential services to our customers is an unnecessary restriction. NAATS strongly believes that this restriction should be removed as soon as possible and that the aviation public should have access to our walk-in pilot weather briefing services. Were prepared to begin working with you immediately for this purpose. I look forward to your prompt response. Sincerely, Walter W. Pike President Cc: AOPA President Distribution /= 7 8 R u ] ] c - F ` w x ) 8 ( K @ Normal a c " A@ " Default Paragraph Font 8 8 R 8 @C Times New Roman Symbol " Arial 1 Courier New " h ]bfbfbf 4 0 September 21, 2001 NAATSNAATS R o o t E n t r y F 껉# W o r d D o c u m e n t a C o m p O b j j S u m m a r y I n f o r m a t i o n ( F Microsoft Word Document MSWordDoc Word.Document.6 9q Oh +'0 D P \ h t | September 21, 2001 h NAATS n U Normal NAATS 11 Microsoft Word for Windows 95 @ 8C D o c u m e n t S u m m a r y I n f o r m a t i o n 8 F Microsoft Word Document MSWordDoc Word.Document.8 9q x NAATS September 21, 2001 @ "@ @ Lpu# ՜. +,0 @ H X ` h p x NAATS September 21, 2001