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Thoman Deputy Assistant Administrator for Labor Relations Pay Setting Rules for Conversion: All bargaining unit employees will be converted into the Core Compensation Pay Bands as follows as indicated in Appendix A: FG 5/7/9/10 F pay band FG 11 G pay band FG 12 H pay band FG 13 I pay band Definitions: Base Pay (also Base Salary, Rate of Basic Pay). The annual rate to be paid to an employee, not including locality pay or premium pays. Adjusted Base Pay. The annual rate of pay, including locality pay but not including premium pays. Total Pay. An employees adjusted base pay, plus premium and applicable allowances. All Employees except those in Temporary Promoted Positions as of the Date of Conversion: An employee will be converted based on his/her position of record as of the date of conversion to the new NAATS pay system. His/her basic pay will first be computed to include all applicable pay adjustments. The newly computed basic pay will then be compared to the range of the pay band to which the employee is assigned. If the newly computed basic pay is below the minimum of the pay band, basic pay will be adjusted to the band minimum. If the computed basic pay is within the range of the pay band, the employees basic pay will be set at the newly computed rate. If the newly computed basic pay exceeds the band maximum, the employees basic pay will be set at the newly computed rate. Locality pay will then be added at the appropriate percent for the geographic area. Employees Temporarily Promoted Within the Bargaining Unit as of the Date of Conversion: For the purposes of conversion, an employee on temporary promotion within the bargaining unit will be converted as though he/she is permanently promoted. His/her basic pay in the higher-graded position will be computed to include all applicable pay adjustments (computed based on the grade and step of the position to which temporarily promoted). The newly computed basic pay will then be compared to the range of the pay band to which he/she is assigned. If the newly computed basic pay is below the minimum of the pay band, basic pay will be adjusted to the band minimum. If the computed basic pay is within the range of the pay band, the employees basic pay will be set at the newly computed rate. If the newly computed basic pay exceeds the band maximum, the employees basic pay will be set at the newly computed rate. Locality pay will then be added at the appropriate percent for the geographic area. Upon return to the permanent position of record, the employees basic pay is computed to include all applicable pay adjustments as if he/she had never left the permanent position. If the newly computed basic pay is below the minimum of the pay band, basic pay will be adjusted to the band minimum. If the computed basic pay is within the range of the pay band, the employees basic pay will be set at the newly computed rate. If the newly computed basic pay exceeds the band maximum, the employees basic pay will be set at the newly computed rate. Locality pay will then be added at the appropriate percent for the geographic area. Employees Temporarily Promoted Outside the Bargaining Unit as of the Date of Conversion: An employee on a temporary promotion outside the bargaining unit will be converted in accordance with the pay rules in effect for that position. Upon return to his/her permanent position of record, the employees basic pay will be computed to include all applicable pay adjustments as if he/she had never left the permanent position. The newly computed basic pay will then be compared to the range of the pay band to which the employee is assigned. If the employees newly computed basic pay is below the minimum of the pay band, basic pay will be adjusted to the band minimum. If the computed basic pay is within the range of the pay band, the employees basic pay will be set at the newly computed rate. If the newly computed basic pay exceeds the band maximum, the employees basic pay will be set at the newly computed rate. Locality pay will then be added at the appropriate percent for the geographic area. Under no circumstances will an employees Total Salary in block 20 of the SF-50 be less after conversion to the new pay system than the Total Salary in block 12 of the SF-50 before conversion. WIG Buyout. The WIG Buyout amount shall be added to basic pay at the time of conversion to the NAATS pay plan. Employees at the FG step 10 level do not receive a WIG Buyout. The WIG Buyout shall be calculated as follows:  Air Traffic Control Revitalization Act (ATRA) Pay. Those employees who receive ATRA on a full-time basis will have the operational differential rolled into their basic pay at the time of conversion at a rate of 4.1%. If the employee leaves the bargaining unit and goes to another position where ATRA is paid, the new pay will be computed by first backing out the ATRA roll-in. If the employee leaves the bargaining unit to another position that calls for an ATRA roll-in, the employee will be ineligible for the ATRA roll-in of the new position. Interim Incentive Pay (IIP). Those employees who receive IIP on a full-time basis will have the IIP rolled into their basic pay at the time of conversion at a rate of 8.2%. Locality Pay. Eligible bargaining unit employees will continue to receive locality pay and will have their locality pay adjusted at the same time as government-wide changes. Job Category. The category employed in the new plan is Specialized. Career Levels. A Career Level defines the number of progressions within a particular Job Category. There are 4 Career Level descriptors identified in Appendix B. Assignment of Job Series/Grades to Career Levels. Each current Job Series/grade will be assigned to a new Job Category/Career Level. The assignment of positions in current grades to Career Levels for each Job Category is summarized in Appendix A. NAATS Pay Adjustments: Components being retained: Employees will continue to receive the locality pay adjustments recommended by OPM and approved by the President. The locality adjustment will be effective on the same date as that established for the rest of the Government. Employees will be guaranteed annual pay adjustments at least equal to the Presidents Annual Comparability Increase. This amount will be incorporated into the Organizational Success Increase described immediately below. Cost of Living Adjustment Pay (COLA). All eligible bargaining unit members will receive COLA Pay as defined by OPM regulations. Components being added: Organizational Success Increase (OSI). The OSI is an increase to base pay, awarded by the Administrator, that is designed to recognize successful organizational performance. The OSI is funded from a pool consisting of dollars that would have otherwise been spent on the Presidents Annual Comparability Increase plus a portion of the money that would have previously been spent on within-grade increases and quality step increases. For the purpose of this plan, this portion equals 1% of payroll. The OSI will be effective no later than the beginning of the first full pay period in January of each year following the year it is earned. When the Administrator awards the OSI, all NAATS bargaining unit employees shall receive the OSI, with the following exceptions: Employees with less than 90 calendar days continuous service with the FAA immediately prior to the end of the performance year (Fiscal Year). Employees whose performance does not meet minimal performance expectations at the end of the performance cycle. Employees whose rating of record improves to a meets requirements become eligible, as of the date of the new determination, for both the OSI and SCI. Superior Contribution Increase (SCI): The SCI is an increase to base pay that is designed to recognize individual employees superior contribution to the agency. The SCI is funded from the remaining portion of the money that would have previously been spent on within-grade increases and quality step increases. For the purpose of this plan, this is equal to .6% of payroll. Pending the development of a performance measurement system for BU employees, all eligible employees will receive an SCI of .6% for the first implementation year of the new plan. For subsequent years, a workgroup team consisting of NAATS and Management will be established to complete design of the application of SCI. Within ninety (90) days of the effective date of the Agreement, the Parties agree to convene a workgroup consisting of equal numbers of representatives from the Agency and the Union to develop a performance measurement system to be used for allocating SCI in the NAATS bargaining unit. If the workgroup does not reach agreement on a performance measurement system within one hundred and eighty (180) days after its first meeting, the matter will be referred to the Parties national representatives for resolution. If the Parties at the national level are unable to agree on a performance measurement system within sixty (60) days of referral, the matter will be submitted as soon as possible to the appropriate dispute resolution process under the FSLMRS or the Parties Agreement. The SCI will be paid in the year following the year in which it is earned, and the payout will be effective no later than the beginning of the first pay period in January. NAATS members of the workgroup shall be in a duty status if otherwise in a duty status. Travel and per diem shall be paid by the employer. Eligibility. All employees covered by the NAATS Pay Plan are eligible for the annual OSI/SCI base pay change with the following exceptions: Employees with less than ninety (90) calendar days continuous service with the FAA immediately prior to the end of the performance year (Fiscal Year). Employees with current Does Not Meet performance rating. Employees whose rating of record improves to a Meets Requirements become eligible, as of the date of the new determination, for both the OSI and SCI. All NAATS bargaining unit employees are eligible for the SCI with the following exceptions: Employees with less than 90 days service with the FAA prior to the end of the performance year. Employees whose performance does not meet minimal performance expectations at the end of the performance cycle. Rate of Basic Pay Exceeds the Pay Band Maximum at the Time of Conversion. All employees in the NAATS bargaining unit are grandfathered in at the time of conversion only. If an employees pay at the time of conversion exceeds the maximum rate of the pay band to which the employee is converted, the employee will receive future OSI/SCI increases as part of base pay until such time as the employees pay is within the applicable pay band range. Subsequent to that event, increases above the pay band maximum will be paid as lump sums. Annual Adjustment of Pay Bands. The bands shall be adjusted annually in accordance with the FAA Core Compensation Plan. Dual Compensation. Retired military officers employed as civilians by the Agency are not subject to a reduction in compensation. Premium Pay. Except for ATRA operational differential and IIP differential, bargaining unit employees will continue to receive all Premium Pay percentages and differentials as are currently administered in accordance with applicable laws, regulations, or the parties collective bargaining agreement. Hiring. The pay of a new hire shall be set in accordance with the Core Compensation Pay Plan within the appropriate Band. Highest Previous Rate (HPR). HPR is the highest rate of basic pay that an employee earned in current or previous employment with the FAA, another federal agency, or Government Corporation. Managers may use HPR when setting pay upon a promotion, voluntary demotion, or reassignment to a NAATS Pay Plan position with the exception of a mass conversion reassignment to the NAATS plan. Use of HPR to set pay is at the discretion of management. Salaries that result may not exceed pay band maximums. Reassignments. When an employee is reassigned, basic pay will remain unchanged. However, the adjusted pay changes to reflect a different locality rate. Bargaining unit employees will not normally be involuntarily reassigned. Detail. A detail is a temporary movement to another bargaining unit position, which does not change the employees position of record and therefore does not change the employees pay. Promotion. Promotions are defined as the movement of an employee to a bargaining unit position with a pay band higher than the employees current pay band. Upon promotion, an employee shall receive an 8% increase in basic pay or shall be placed at the minimum of the pay band, whichever is greater. Temporary Promotion. Upon temporary promotion, an employee shall receive an 8% increase in basic pay or shall be placed at the minimum of the new pay band, whichever is greater. When the employee returns to his/her permanent position of record, basic pay shall be adjusted as if the employee had never left, including all applicable OSI and SCI adjustments. Employees are not entitled to retain the rate of pay they earned while on temporary promotion, regardless of the duration of the temporary promotion. Re-Promotion. When an employee is re-promoted within two years of a demotion, the employees basic pay will not change if it falls within the new pay band. If the employees current basic pay is lower than the minimum of the new band, his/her basic pay will be set at the minimum of the new pay band. When the re-promotion occurs two years or more after a demotion, an employee shall receive an 8% increase in basic pay or his/her pay shall be set at the minimum of the new pay band, whichever is greater. Pay Rules for Initial Movement into the NAATS Bargaining Unit The pay rules are identified in Appendix C. The provisions of the FAA Core Compensation Plan will govern any pay matter not covered by this Agreement. Effective Date. This pay plan will be effective the first full pay period after the effective date of the collective bargaining agreement. Minimum Pay Band Maximum $15,800 A $23,100 $18,100 B $26,400 $20,500 C $30,800 $23,600 D $35,400 $27,100 E $40,700 $31,100 F $46,700  $36,400 G $56,400 $44,400 H $68,800 $54,100 I $83,900 $66,000 J $102,300 $78,900 K $122,300  $94,300 L $146,200  $111,200 M $150,000 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 FG-9 & below FG-10/11 FG-12 FG-13 Specialized Category 2152, (Flight Service Station and Command Center Positions) Note: Salary ranges do not include locality pay. Appendix A Appendix B Career Level Descriptors Air Traffic Control Specialist, Flight Service Option Level 1 As a student at the FAA Academy or as a controller receiving on-the-job training, performs basic but progressively more difficult tasks under the direction of a supervisor or on-the-job training instructor (OJTI). As training progresses performs such station duties as operating equipment, filing flight plans, or answering requests for specific information which can be obtained from automated equipment, standard manuals, or handbooks. Obtains the following flight service certifications as applicable: broadcast, flight data, preflight, weather observer, and NOTAMS. Obtains any additional certifications required by the facility. Supervisors, instructors, or OJTIs continuously monitor training to ensure that tasks are performed properly and that procedures are applied correctly. Receives general supervision on positions for which certified. Acquires and applies knowledge of flight service disciplines including, but not limited to the following: FAA organization, the NAS, fundamentals of air traffic control, air traffic rules and regulations, communication procedures, navigational aids and airway structures, aviation weather, topography, facility equipment, and facility operations. Applies knowledge needed to learn flight service disciplines and equipment and applies the knowledge learned to positions for which certified. Specified time periods are established for completing training assignments. With a supervisor, instructor, or OJTI, develops a training plan to use time and resources effectively. During early stages of training, contacts are primarily internal. During later stages of training, provides limited information to pilots, other station personnel, controllers in other facilities, representatives of other governmental organizations, as well as military and international personnel. Established policies, procedures, and references provide guidance for most tasks. Supervisors, instructors, or OJTIs continuously observe and evaluate training to ensure that tasks are properly performed and procedures correctly applied. Training is monitored continuously to ensure that knowledge and skills have been acquired. After certification, work is reviewed for technical soundness and conformance with guidelines and established requirements. The effect of work is to develop knowledge and skills to prepare the controller for higher levels of responsibility, greater contributions to the organization, and to support the NAS. Level 2 As an advanced trainee, performs the full range of flight service duties for which previously certified. Obtains additional certifications as required, such as inflight and coordinator. Supervisors, instructors, or OJTIs continuously monitor training to ensure that tasks are performed properly and that procedures are applied correctly. Receives general supervision on positions for which certified. Provides all necessary meteorological and aeronautical information required by pilots to assist them in making flight decisions and calculations to complete their flights. Selects pertinent information from available data and clearly communicates it to pilots. Data provided includes, but is not limited to the following: weather information, availability of alternate routes, preferred routes, aids to navigation, NOTAMS, and ICAO rules and procedures. At an AFSS, acquires and applies knowledge leading to inflight and coordinator certification. Applies knowledge of flight service disciplines needed for certification to perform the full range of FSS duties. Independently plans use of time and resources while on position(s). When in a developmental status, specified time periods are established for completing training assignments. With a supervisor, instructor, or OJTI, develops a training plan to use time and resources effectively. Provides information to pilots, other station personnel, controllers in other facilities, representatives of other government organizations, as well as military and international personnel. Established policies, procedures, and references provide guidance for most tasks. After certification, work is reviewed for technical soundness and conformance with guidelines and established requirements. Training performed in a developmental status is monitored continuously to ensure that knowledge and skills have been acquired. Work supports pilots, the activities of the station, other air traffic organizations, and the NAS. Level 3 This is the full performance level (certified station controller) for Flight Service Option air traffic controllers assigned to flight service stations. Performs the full range of station duties. May furnish on-the-job training to developmental specialists. Duties may include providing automation support to an AFSS or providing en-route flight advisory service. Receives guidance from a supervisor only in unusual circumstances. Provides all necessary meteorological and aeronautical information required by pilots to assist them in making flight decisions and calculations to complete their flights. Selects pertinent information from available data and clearly communicates it to pilots. Data provided includes, but is not limited to the following: weather information, availability of alternate routes, preferred routes, aids to navigation, NOTAMs, and ICAO rules and procedures. Independently plans use of time resources while on position(s). Provides information to pilots, other station personnel, controllers in other facilities, representatives of other government organizations, as well as military and international personnel. Established policies, procedures, and references provide guidance for most tasks. Work is reviewed for appropriateness of actions taken, thoroughness, and compliance with requirements. Level 4 This is the full performance level for the controllers at the Air Traffic Control Systems Command Center (ATCSCC). Work supports pilots, the activities of the station, other air traffic organizations, and the NAS. Performs varying and complex duties involving the monitoring of weather within the National Airspace System at the ATCSCC. May furnish on-the-job training, or other types of training. Presents meteorological analysis in support of the ATCSCC strategic planning initiative to reduce congestion and improve system performance. Collects and consolidates complete and accurate real-time weather and forecasts. Formulates an in-depth analysis of weather within the NAS. Collaborates on weather forecasts with air traffic control en route centers, National Weather Service forecasters, and airline meteorological personnel. Applies comprehensive and technical knowledge of flight service/weather monitoring disciplines, and ATCSCC equipment and communication systems to perform independently the full range of weather monitoring duties. Broad policies and objectives provide general guidance for addressing issues, but allow considerable discretion to develop new and innovative approaches. Works with management to jointly solve problems. Work is reviewed typically through status reports and updates to ensure technical compliance and alignment with the requirements of the work activity. Work supports the mission of the ATCSCC, NAS operators, e.g., the airline industry, air traffic control facilities, and other FAA organization. Appendix C THE AGENCY HAS DETERMINED THAT THE FOLLOWING PAYRULES WILL BE APPLIED FOR MOVEMENT INTO THE NAATS BARGAINING UNIT UNDER THIS PAY PLAN. New hire: An individual who is not currently employed by the FAA. This includes individuals hired from the private sector and individuals from other government agencies. The starting salary of a newly hired employee must be within the pay band assigned to the vacant position. Managers, working collaboratively with Human Resources, may set starting pay anywhere within the lowest 1/3 of the applicable pay band. Offers above the lowest 1/3 may be approved by the official delegated to do so by the head of the LOB. Rehire: an individual, who is not currently employed by the FAA, but was previously an FAA employee. Pay must fit into the appropriate pay band. No pay retention. If pay is below the pay band minimum, raise to the minimum. Movement from the AT Compensation Plan IPP: Pay must fit into the applicable pay band. No pay retention. If pay is below band minimum, raise to the minimum. Training failures: Pay must fit into the applicable pay band. No pay retention. If pay is below band minimum, raise to the minimum. Level 1 Tower (former FG 10) (Includes special salary rate) moves: Pay must fit into the appropriate pay band. No pay retention. If pay is below band minimum raise to the minimum. VRA: Follow the same rules for a new hire. DOD 2152 Civilians: Follow the same rules for a New Hire.  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