ࡱ> cdbܥhc e R$X|9\]p/ VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT CLOSING DATE: August 15, 2002 Position Title: Office Administrator Responsible to: Board of Directors (BOD), with day to day direction from the President Position Purpose: Provide comprehensive secretarial and clerical assistance to the President and staff of the National Association of Air Traffic Specialist (NAATS), in order to support the Unions functions and its efficient and effective operation. Position Description: General Administration Cause all applications for membership and renewals to be processed; Consult regularly with the Board of Directors; keep its members fully informed concerning all significant matters on a timely basis; and obtain its prior approval for all significant policy-related or financial decisions; Assist in the publication and distribution of informational communications to the members, to include the coordination, edit and publication of the NAATS Newsletter to be distributed monthly and in a timely manner; Establish and maintain office systems and procedures; Maintain office equipment, including computer hardware and software; Current software: Quicken, Microsoft Office 2000; Assist staff with general administrative services; Coordinate mailings; Assist with development events, as necessary; Contract with legal counsel and other professionals for service to the Association and its members. Office Management Oversee daily administrative and office operations; Supervise office staff; Ensure the order of office and building supplies and equipment . Fiscal Management Overall responsibility for the financial affairs of the National Association of Air Traffic Specialist; Under suitable bond, cosign checks, drafts or orders of payment of money, receive and deposit funds; Maintain accurate books and records, and safeguard the records of the Association; Responsible to oversee the bookkeeper and her work, to assure that financial procedures and record-keeping are in accordance with general accounting procedures and the Associations requirements; (Current system: QuickBooks); Assist in the formulation of annual budgets for approval of the Board of Directors: prepare periodic accounting reports and summaries of the Associations finances; Assist with audit preparation; Communicate regularly with the NAATS treasurer and finance committee; Oversee processing of payroll by staff regarding benefits and attendance, including vacation and sick days; Monitor all funds and accounts; Keep NAATS Board of Directors and the President informed of any financial discrepancies. Qualifications: We need an experienced person with good organizational and multi-task skills who can lead and work independently. Working knowledge of principles and practices of the NAATS contract with the Federal Aviation Association (FAA). Ability to read and interpret documents, familiarity with and/or research skills necessary to advise members of the Union on such documents as Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), Letters of Agreement (LOA), and other agreements with the FAA. A successful applicant requires public relation skills necessary to successfully interface with the NAATS membership, elected officers, national liaison representatives, technical representatives and constituents of the agency. Desired/preferred qualifications include, but are not limited to, such duties as a NAATS elected official, National Liaison or Technical Representative and other short term details and assignments, as appointed by the NAATS Board of Directors. Occasionally, yet essential to this position, the individual must meet deadlines with severe time constraints, interacting with the public, the Agency and other NAATS members. Occasionally the position requires the employee to work irregular or extended hours and meet multiple demands from several interest groups. Terms of Office: The position of Office Administrator serves at the sole discretion of the President and the NAATS Board of Directors. The term of office shall generally coincide with the National Election Cycle (NEC). However, the office of Administrator is subject to modification as determined necessary by the Board of Directors. Location: National Association of Air Traffic Specialist 11303 Amherst Avenue, Suite 4 Wheaton, MD 20902 /=:2q8 ,QG  H& CHH(H?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????|??GCHH(H3f333f3333f3ffffff3f3f3f333f333333333f333333333f33ff3f3f3f3f333f3333333f3333333f3333f3fffffff33f3ff3f3f3f3ff3ffffffffffff3fffffff3fffffff3ffffff3f̙333f33̙33f3ffff̙ff3f̙3f̙3f̙3f333f3333f3ffffff̙3̙f̙̙̙̙3f3f3f333f3333f3ffffff3f3f3f89K`bsn $  * - /oqzuU]^]cU]] uDc89:`ab, ' dd 4hxo' dd 4hxw#mn  $ D ' 3   , - dd' dd 4hx dd 4' dd 4hxo./opq|}K@Normala c.@. 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